Applied Personal Development

In the present business landscape where organisations and labor markets have became global, responsibility for development has shifted from the company to the individual. More employees recognise their work includes personal development; they are interested to pursue continuous learning, un-learn to re-learn, or even taking on entirely different skillset so as to remain relevant or sharpening their competitive edge.

This topic is beneficial in providing managers and non-managers alike, the fundamentals to guide individual and collection action towards performance. The training alternates theoretical contributions and scenarios designed from real management cases, to allow managers to adapt their approach taking into account personalities and situations.

Some examples include:

  • Communicating with others more effectively
  • Dealing with stressful situations, or managing tense situations more effectively
  • Identifying manipulative behavior in order to manage and counter it
  • How to be more assertive when dealing with others
  • Roles which are dependent on building successful relationships

Personal Development

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Dealing with Emotions and Conflict

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