Impact of emotions in the workplace

Topic: Applied Personal Development

Emotions play an important role in the workplace. They affect our daily life, our reactions to certain situations and our interactions with other coworkers. They play a role in team success, but also in stressful situations and conflict.

In the latter cases, emotions give rise to power struggles and may even lead to crises. By managing emotions and conflict, you will be able to obtain better individual and group performance.

This is a 2-parts module.

Part A Learning objectives:

Explore emotions and their impact on personal and collective effectiveness and in conflict management. This initial comprehensive overview allows you to decipher your own emotions and learn to recognize them:

  • Understand the importance of emotions in the workplace.
  • Identify the interaction between emotions, conflict and trust.

Part B Learning objectives:

Explore your own emotions, learn to recognize emotions in others and, in doing so, manage tension and avoid conflict more effectively:

  • Develop your emotional balance.
  • How to resolve simple conflicts.

Topic: Applied Personal Development

Emotions play an important role in the workplace. They affect our daily life, our reactions to certain situations and our interactions with other coworkers. They play a role in team success, but also in stressful situations and conflict.

In the latter cases, emotions give rise to power struggles and may even lead to crises. By managing emotions and conflict, you will be able to obtain better individual and group performance.

This is a 2-parts module.

Part A Learning objectives:

Explore emotions and their impact on personal and collective effectiveness and in conflict management. This initial comprehensive overview allows you to decipher your own emotions and learn to recognize them:

  • Understand the importance of emotions in the workplace.
  • Identify the interaction between emotions, conflict and trust.

Part B Learning objectives:

Explore your own emotions, learn to recognize emotions in others and, in doing so, manage tension and avoid conflict more effectively:

  • Develop your emotional balance.
  • How to resolve simple conflicts.

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Learning outcomes:

  • Ability to use the power of emotions in your relationships and tame your own emotions
  • Gain a clearer perception of emotions and using emotions to improve your relationships with others and to resolve conflicts.

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