Learning Bites – Creativity and Innovation

Creativity comes more naturally to some people than others. Too often many of us are quick to label ourselves as ‘not the creative type’ and, in so doing, stifle our creative potential. With the right environment and stimuli, everyone has the capability to develop new and innovative ideas.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to enable participants to:

  • Engage and develop creative thinking abilities
  • Apply different viewpoints and perspectives to an issue
  • Recognise where creative and innovative thinking is both required and appropriate
  • Identify any blockages to achieving your full creative and innovative potential
  • Facilitate creative and innovative thinking in others

Participants will learn how to become more curious and explore new ideas, recognise creativity, and be ready when it happens.

We explore what ‘creativity’ and ‘innovation’ really mean, why they are important to ourselves and our organisations, and identify what often stops us from thinking differently. Interactive exercises shed light on different methods for being creative & enhance understanding of the creative process. Delegates discuss examples, tips and techniques in small virtual teams during the session, developing these into specific actions to take away from the course. Like other skills, creativity can be learned.

Learning Bites


We’re here

Monday to Friday

08:00 - 17:30

+65 6977 7212

Cegos Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

152 Beach Road,

Gateway East #24-08,

Singapore 189721