Collaboration and Team Performance

We have been talking about teamwork for years.In job announcements, we look for 'a strong propensity to work in a team'. In CVs, we see 'I am very skilled in teamwork' or 'I love working in a team'. During interviews, team performances are valued 'this success is due to everyone's contribution'.So what is the big deal with Performance in Business Transformation is linked to this capacity? The predisposition to team work is one thing; to put the result of a group in front of one's own is something else. Everyone strives to be efficient, but it depends on a series of factors.Continuing in the metaphor of the series "The Throne of Skills", I will be underlining the qualities of a character who particularly distinguished himself by possessing the characteristics that make a person efficaciouswithin a team: Jon Snow.What distinguishes a good "team player", whether he is a "member" or a "manager"?First and foremost, clarity of ideas pertaining to the objective to be pursued and the skills or competences necessary to get there, is important. Before you can put the right team together, you need to know the skills of the people you want to involve, each and everyone's strength and weaknesses, so that one can compensate for the other.Being part of a team, it is essential to understand what one's role is in the team as well as to understand the characteristics of the other members. Jon was the character which came to mind, where I recall the evolution of his role from these episodes:
  • Upon arrival at the Barrier, he encountered initial difficulties settling into the team of Guardians of the Night. However, he acted meticulously to not only create a bond, but also became a point of reference for the group - not only for his ability to fight, but also due to his influence and concept of unity and defense of the weaker prevail.
  • On more than one occasion, and in successive phases - he united very different people and families and pursued the search for alliances for a superior and noble purpose.
The creation of a team is only the first step. Thereafter, it is necessary to share a set of rules through which to make it work in terms of timing, levels of commitment, KPIs, moments of analysis, work processes, work progress meetings and role perimeters...the list goes on but I am basically lifting the fundamentals from a Project Management Basics course.Not to forget - members of the team are human beings, who while working, are pursuing goals, delivering performances, interactions; therefore it becomes necessary to develop a set of soft skills related to interpersonal relationships, conflict management, management basics and remote management.People who work together, even if components are perfectly embedded in a gear, need to be constantly oiled and this can only be done through the application of soft skills that some possess more, other less - but are still acquirable and practicable.The search for effectiveness through teamwork is linked to the theme of time as a fundamental resource. The passing of time brings with it the rise in costs and the loss of competitive advantageous positions that could lead to loss of revenues.
Did you miss the other articles dedicated to the Throne of Skills? Double back to the introduction of the saga or the chapter dedicated to Sansa Stark "Change Management - the need to adapt quickly"
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