International Project
International Project
Fast and simple deployment of a corporate programme worldwide
Fast changing business requires competences that quickly adapt across countries. In order to achieve this, the best option is often to launch an international training project: designing, customising & delivering a programme that meets corporate and local needs and timescales.
Your challenges
Reaching your people everywhere
Delivering best in-class content perfectly aligned to your organisation and to each countries’ business and cultural specifics
Getting buy-in from each country and from your target audience
Avoiding extra costs as much as possible (translation, trainer onboarding, travel, project management)
Securing the impact
Our solutions
Building and delivering engaging 70:20:10 learner experience
World-class content available in different languages & formats
Certified trainers in 30 countries
Robust customisation, localisation and trainer onboarding process
A dedicated « Glocal » project management team close to your people, taking care of your project from A to Z
Customer references