With its 2019 solutions, Cegos is pursuing its commitment to developing skills
Transform learning to transform skills
With the digital transformation and particularly the advent of artificial intelligence, everyone is aware that the gap may well widen between people who are better trained and the others. According to the European “Transformations, skills and L&D” study led in April 2018 by the Cegos Observatory, 87% of staff feel their job will be affected by technological changes over the next five years. 53% predict the emergence of new jobs and 28% believe that some business lines will disappear. 79% of staff see learning as the main driver for dealing with these changes.José Montes, Chairman of the Cegos Group, explains:“As a leader on the learning and development market, we have a duty to stand side by side with people and organisations as they tackle the transformation in the world of work. Making organisations more competitive and people more employable: that collective and individual performance is what we strive to achieve with our customers. By innovating non-stop, we are able to engage learners in three ways:- We see learning as a long-term experience: time is an essential factor when people acquire the skills they will need for the future. We can acquire new knowledge very fast but changing our habits and ways of doing things at work takes time.
- We are keen on “rehumanising” learning, by harnessing teaching skills and relationships; we have wide variety of options to do that (virtual classrooms, community management, e-coaching, peer coaching, tutoring, etc.).
- We are tailoring learning experiences, by delivering the content each individual needs and by taking each learner’s preferences into account.”
- Developing technological skills in addition to social, emotional and behavioural skills
- Turning skills into performance using the 4REAL© approach
- Ensuring a more engaging learning experience
- Accessing a new offering of tailor-made services