What is the Process Communication Model and why should every leader keep it in their sights?


Most problems in companies arise from poor communication. This is why it is ideal for every leader to implement the process communication model so that inconveniences can be avoided. 

 If you're wondering how it could help me as a leader? We explain it to you with a simple example: 

Sometimes, great leaders do not understand that they must speak in a personalized way to each person within the company. 

This is because a rigid attitude and firm voice may seem like a sign of professionalism and confidence to many. But, for others it can mean the opposite and cause misunderstandings. 

By applying the process communication model , managers could learn to address people through the six languages ​​that this process proposes. 

A good leader knows how to address his employees, communicating appropriately. For this, it is feasible to implement the process communication model.

Throughout this article we will be providing you with essential information to know everything you need about it. Follow us reading!

What is Process Communication and how did it come about?

It is a tool created in the seventies by the American psychologist Taibi Kahler. Who managed to identify patterns of productive behaviors and non-productive behaviors. 

Likewise, this method was developed in cooperation with NASA, using the model for the selection and training of its astronauts. Since, its objective was to understand, motivate and communicate effectively with others. 

During the various investigations that were carried out to obtain the current results, the following was evident:

  • All individuals have behavioral patterns based on satisfying our needs according to the vital strategies learned during our lives.
  • These behavioral patterns are different in each person.
  • Communication difficulties are greater the more distant these patterns are.

Model elements

This model consists of six types of personalities present in the population, essential characteristics and four communication channels that make it possible for messages to be transmitted clearly. 

Below, we explain each of them in detail for your better understanding and illustration:

The six personality types

Firstly, according to the model devised by Taibi Kahler, there are six different personalities that make up one hundred percent of the population. 

Therefore, each personality type has an estimated percentage within the total method. Well, depending on each personality, you will be able to know how to approach or communicate with each individual in particular.

This is because every leader must learn to modulate their communication for each of the six types of personalities. This learning will happen gradually, percentage after percentage until you know how to handle 100% according to the method.

We are going to establish the characteristics of each of the personalities and the way in which they should communicate with them . Pay attention!

  • The promoter (5%)
    • It demands a lot of action.
    • Confident of himself, so much so that he does not stop for a minute to doubt his own abilities. 
    • He is an individualistic person.
    • Acts on impulses.
    • When faced with stressful situations, he does not respect the rules.

Communication: His achievements must be recognized, his boastful side accepted, he must be treated firmly and rigidly. In addition to being a person who must be motivated with challenges.

  • The rebel (20%)
    • A creative, energetic and spontaneous person when expressing himself. 
    • He becomes attached to the people he meets.
    • He loves games. 
    • Value fun and spontaneity.
    • He likes physical contact.
    • Accept your mistakes and learn from them.
    • In case of stress he leans towards negativity.

Communication: It is ideal to joke with him, accept his dislikes and respect his spaces to be different. Additionally, they should be encouraged and given new opportunities to start things over again. 

  • The persistent (10%)
    • Delicate and observant. 
    • Calculating, precise, rigid, strong and distant. 
    • They value trust.
    • They are committed.
    • They always finish what they start.
    • They love power.
    • In stressful situations he becomes distrustful.

Communication: You should listen carefully, always ask your opinion and advice. As well as, avoid giving him unsolicited advice and repeating the things he says so he knows you understood him. 

  • The dreamer (10%)
    • Calm, thoughtful and imaginative.
    • They reflect and interpret the world from their imagination.
    • They are introverted people.
    • They are obedient.
    • In stressful situations they withdraw greatly. 

Communication: Be careful with his calmness and pace of action, always speak to him in a brief and direct manner. Indicate clearly what you want from him or her and that you understand his or her situation at all times. 

  • The logician (25%)
    • They are logical, responsible and organized.
    • They are rational and like evidence. 
    • It communicates with data, through logic. 
    • They like to be consulted and informed. 
    • Under stress, they are rigid, mechanical and controlling. 

Communication: They must be treated seriously and with direct language. They must be provided with all the necessary information proven by evidence. You must be punctual and emphasize that they are working correctly. 

  • The empath (30%)
    • They value long relationships.
    • They perceive the world through emotions.
    • They appreciate family and friends. 
    • They are very intuitive.
    • Good listeners.
    • Sensitive and warm.
    • In stressful situations it is difficult for them to think clearly and they become much more sensitive. 

Communication: They must be treated with delicacy and understanding. In addition to listening to them carefully and giving them a lot of support. 

Essential Features

This method emanates the following essential characteristics that combine with different types of personalities:

  • The essential psychological need: it is known as the need to be recognized as a person or for their efforts, their results or their convictions, the need for time for oneself, the need for action, the need to organize time and objectives.
  • A priority communication channel.
  • Some behaviors in stressful situations.
  • A belief or driver (belief that directs behavior in the phase of light stress) “be perfect”, “be strong”, “make an effort”, “please”, “hurry up”.

Communication channels

Each personality has a unique pattern when interacting with other people because it will vary with respect to different situations and ways of thinking. That is, it will be your personalized means of communication with the environment. 

In the process communication model, communication channels represent a unique pattern through which different personalities express themselves. 

Therefore, each person can communicate through different channels and yet they could all be saying the same thing. But each personality will do it in its own way, according to its nature. 

Now, the different communication channels are the following: 

  • Directive: A calm, passive voice and relaxed posture without emotions are used.
  • Informative: Imparts a relaxed tone of voice, but with a rigid posture and does not present emotions. 
  • Nourishing: Friendly posture and calm voice. Emotions and feelings are transmitted.
  • Emotional: Happy and fun posture. Tone of play and laughter. 

Model operation

Let's explain it through a simple example, using a building: 

Firstly, the ground floor of the building would be the so-called base Being the personality forged during childhood, on a journey from zero to seven years of age. This would be the personality we will have all our lives. 

The next floor of the building corresponds to the active phase, which refers to the current personality. This is dynamic therefore, it can change throughout life. 

In the process communication model, the base and the affective phase are what define our personality, behavior and way of being.  

Continuously, below the ground floor is the basement, this being the place where we locate the stress phase. 

Now, to communicate with people it is necessary to know the base and active phase of the person to whom you want to send the message. All in order to adapt to their verbal and non-verbal language and be in tune with their same channels.

In short, if a person has the ability to identify the base and active phase of the other, they will be able to modulate their communication so that the message arrives positively. 


Communicating with people is not an easy task, much less if the personalities are totally distant according to the model of the method. However, you already have the necessary tools to improve your communication as a leader. 

Analyze, understand and communicate with people by applying the process communication model. Imagine the wide possibilities of benefits that you can obtain by implementing this method in your company.

At Cegos Asia Pacific , we offer you professional advice to better understand this method and help you implement it as a leader in your company . Contact us!