The Cegos Group focuses on its core business and fast-tracks innovation to enhance performance

In 2018, Cegos is aiming for €200 million in revenue (a 5% year-on-year increase), in particular by leveraging Performance Learning, a learning experience that taps into the learner’s engagement to step up individual and collective performance.
In 2017, Cegos refocused on its core business and harnessed innovation to solidify its leadership in France and the rest of EuropeThe Cegos Group generated €191 million in revenue in 2017, following 0.5% growth versus 2016, with developments on several fronts:- The Group continued to grow its business, achieving a 13% increase in Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal and Italy) and a 9% increase in Asia.
- In Germany, which accounts for 20% of the Cegos Group’s total revenue today, the figure stood at 39 million in 2017.
- In France, where the market was awaiting a new reform in the training sector, Cegos managed to stabilise its revenue at €126 million. Most noteworthily, IB, a Cegos subsidiary specialised in IT training, increased its revenue by 8% to €19 million over the year.
Consolidation in 2017
The Group continued to shift its focus back to learning and consulting with two moves:- In early 2017, it sold its psychological tests business in Spain and Portugal to Hogrefe Publishing Group, in order to refocus on its Learning & Development activity in both countries.
- Last autumn, it acquired Cimes, the French leader for managed training services, boosting the Group’s position on this front while widening the range of services it can provide for its customers.
Innovation in 2017
- Cegos developed and rolled out a Learning Experience based on its new 4REAL© (Real Efficient Adapted Learning) approach
- Cegos introduced its LearningHub @Cegos platform, providing an online learning experience that mirrors new ways of using digital technology. This platform is available on any device (computers, tablets and smartphones) and provides access to all training paths for a 100% Cegos Learning Experience in any country.
- The Group also decided to speed up virtual classroom rollout to tap into high for this approach that brings learners all the advantages they enjoy in classrooms without the travel.
In 2018, Cegos intends to continue to sharpen its edge by focusing on Performance
Cegos will continue to deploy the innovation it developed in 2017.- Creating 300 4REAL© packaged training courses
- Massively introducing new digital formats that help learners apply course outcomes as soon as they complete training and continue to apply them over time:
- Focus and practice modules enabling learners to apply freshly acquired behaviour patterns;
- Jobaids to equip users to apply new practices matching the situations they deal with in their jobs;
- Practips to make sure learners continue to use their new practices as time goes by, using reinforcement techniques inspired by the neurosciences.
- Rolling out digital solutions that foster human interaction, with a catalogue of 50 virtual classes available worldwide.
- New features available on LearningHub @Cegos: notifications, customisation tools, self-assessments, forums, badges and more to keep training experiences tailored to learners’ wants and needs, and exciting.
José Montes, Chairman of the Cegos Group, explains:
“As a leader on the learning and development market, we have a duty to stand side by side with people and organisations as they tackle the transformation in the world of work. Shifting from an approach based on ‘traditional’ training to an approach based on constant skills’ development is what will make organisations more competitive and people more employable. That collective and individual performance is what we strive to achieve with our customers. We are enhancing efficiency and performance at Cegos by innovating non-stop, and are keeping our eyes on a central goal: engaging learners. We guarantee learners will be engaged for three reasons:- We see learning as a long-term experience: time is an essential factor when people acquire the skills they will need for the future. We can acquire new knowledge very fast but changing our habits and ways of doing things at work takes time.
- We are keen on “rehumanising” training, have a wide variety of options to do that, and our expertise is putting us in the lead (virtual classrooms, community management, e-coaching, peer coaching, tutoring, etc.).
- We are tailoring learning experiences, by delivering the content each individual needs and by taking each learner’s preferences into account. The initial feedback we’re seeing after introducing our LearningHub is showing us that this approach makes a lot of sense.”