The benefits of immersive learning
In Cegos 2022 Barometer survey – where we identify the latest trends affecting L&D – 33% of respondents said their organisations use immersive learning as part of a wider set of training measures.
So, what is immersive learning, and how can it make a real difference to the way your people develop their skills?
The lowdown on immersion
Immersive learning involves real-work simulations that can trigger emotions and enable the learner to see behaviours more clearly. When people access immersive learning, they quickly understand the impact it has and become motivated enough to make an effort to change.
A safe environment to learn
With immersive learning, more emphasis is placed on psychological safety as learners feel comfortable making mistakes in a simulation. As learners practice in this environment, their skills will grow in confidence. This practical application of behaviour change ensures learners can apply learning to the workplace on their return.
Collegiate spirit
The increase in ‘work-from-home’ activity since the pandemic has meant that many professionals have become more remote from their colleagues than was previously the case. Immersive learning, or another trend called ‘social and community learning’, helps foster the spirit of working together, which leads to greater motivation.
Immersive means better performance
Making time for development, creating a safe space for people and giving them time to explore and grow will not only drive performance but also build job satisfaction, a sense of wellbeing and confidence.
You can hear more from me in the video, where I explain the tangible benefits of immersive learning and why it is very much the future of learning and development.
This post is part of a series of four on workforce and learning trends. The previous provides you with insights on the “Great Reshuffle” and “Reskilling“. A last post will follow about “Just in Time” Training.
Contact Cegos today to discuss how we can immerse your people in training and transform your business.