New ways to gain understanding and enhance team effectiveness
With the dispersion of teams, we find an increasingly accentuated need on the part of leadership to find new ways to gain understanding and enhance the effectiveness of teams.

There is a very famous quote that says “Talent wins games, but only teamwork wins championships” and I really believe in this maxim, especially nowadays, when most championships take place “at a distance”. In this context, the team effectiveness concept becomes even more pertinent.
Team effectiveness is even more fundamental in new team interaction models. With remote and hybrid work becoming increasingly dominant in our business fabric, rethinking team efficiency and effectiveness is also a new emerging trend.
If until now the physical presence of everyone helped to have greater visibility on the part of leaders regarding the production carried out and the interaction of team members, now with the dispersion of team members, we find an increasingly accentuated need on the part of leadership in finding new ways to gain understanding and enhance team effectiveness .
Team coaches, to win championships, must focus on:
- Create a single Vision;
- Create a climate of trust;
- Foster an environment of innovation and creativity;
- Share continuous feedback ;
- Create team development programs.
Not forgetting that this process is not static. It is a continuous and dynamic process that constantly needs to be stimulated. There are countless variables that can hinder this team's effectiveness. We all remember teams with a lot of individual talent that failed to win championships. It is necessary to be aware of the variables that can negatively influence this process:
- The lack of a common vision – where are we and where are we going?
- The lack of clarification in terms of objectives – what do you want to achieve?
- The lack of a communication process and moments of sharing and reflection between all elements;
- Lack of definition of roles and responsibilities.
Countering these aspects is essential. As coaches, it is essential to lead by example, share constructive feedback , create policies for accepting mistakes and learning, and creating policies for equity in decision-making. It is necessary to attribute meaning to work, it is necessary to create purpose. “What are we going to win this championship for?” And this purpose is achieved through players committed to their team. Truly engaged with it. To do this, it is necessary to ensure a balance regarding the player's perception of what he receives and the perception of what he feels he gives to the organization.
To secure committed players it is necessary:
- Continuously reinforce how each person’s individual work contributes to a greater goal.
- Make it known how the work carried out by each person impacts those around them, the organizations and consequently the community in which they operate.
- Ensure challenges suited to team expectations.
- Create a culture of feedback and recognition.
- Create a culture of teamwork and amplification among everyone.
- Create an environment of appreciation.
It's not enough to just have talent. You need to know how to “combine” it. It is necessary to put this talent to play against each other. Only then will we reach productive teams. To true team effectiveness .
If you would like to know more about how to incorporate this Team Effectiveness training into your L&D programs, contact Cegos today.