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How can organisations prepare Generation X to be effective future leaders?
In the next few years, we will witness a wider cross-generational workforce mix with today’s Generation X assuming the top leadership positions, Generation Y vying for those leadership positions and Generation Z (iGen) entering the workplace.As the global workplace becomes more diverse than ever before (both in terms of culture and age group), the need to engage, and manage multi-cultural teams and cross-cultural communications will more than likely intensify.Organisations should consider whether they have the right leadership talent on board, leaders who are capable of navigating through the increasingly global and cross-generational workplace and who can create an inclusive and cohesive working environment; one where every generation works together in harmony to realise their full potential and maximise organisational productivity.What are the major challenges for organisations preparing Generation X to be effective future leaders?Possessing necessary skill setAbility to manage change, negotiation and conflict resolution skills,and collaboration skills are some of the important skills that leaders possess today. But, these skills alone are not sufficient for effective leadership in the 2020 workplace. Gen X leaders need to acquire new skills such as technology and social media skills, while retaining the ones existing today.Acquiring core competenciesApart from the above mentioned skills,Gen X lacks many of the core management skills such as managing, leading and coaching skills,required to lead effectively in a diverse workplace.Confidence to lead effectivelyThere is a deep-rooted lack of self-belief among Generation X who perceives its current skills to be lower than what is required. Additionally, there is a general lack of confidence across the different age groups in the workplace, as to Generation X’s leadership skills levels both today and in the future.Thus, organisations have a major challenge on their hands making sure their Generation X managers not only acquire the new skills and core competencies but also use them confidently to their best effect.What steps do organisations need to take now in order to prepare Generation X to be effective future leaders and thrive in the 2020 workplace?
Leadership styles must evolve as we move towards 2020
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Generation X need to be given hands-on leadership experience and to be coached
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Training programs for leading a cross-generational workforce need to be more future focused to be effective
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