Future Insights Into Cross-generational Workforce

52. Multicultural-office-staff-standing-in-lobby-000034420776_LargeHave you lately tried to know and understand the types of people you work with? If your answer's 'NO', we insist that you take it up on priority. Today’s workplace is incredibly diverse not only in terms of culture but also when it comes to generational make up.So what are some of the challenges that come with a cross-generational workforce?Understanding how different generations work and think is paramount. Looking towards the future, what challenges will surface in 2020? More importantly, do you have what it takes to overcome these challenges and be an effective leader that others want to work with?In 2020, the Generation Z will start entering the workforce while the current managers belonging to the Generation X will become tomorrow's leaders. In such a scenario, two key questions organisations should be asking themselves now are:1. What skills do our leaders need today in order to thrive tomorrow?2. What steps can we take to prepare them for the future and close the skill gaps that exists?Stay tuned for more such insights.