Cegos unveils its new brand identity and sets the tone with CBA Design and Dissonances

Published on : 29/03/2023

Cegos, an international leader in Learning & Development, unveils a new brand identity that gives full strength and meaning to the Group and its mission: to train individuals and support organisations to help them meet their development challenges.

Supported by the international agency CBA Design for its new graphic identity and by the agency Dissonances for its sound identity, Cegos is embracing a resolutely new territory common to all the Group's entities and brands: a way of embodying the "Global Learning & Development partner" positioning of a leader that has been innovating and expanding internationally for nearly 100 years…

For almost a century, through skills development, Cegos has been supporting organisations in their transformation and helping everyone to find their place in the world of work.

The Group's brand platform and signature - Beyond Knowledge - remain unchanged. However, alongside CBA Design and Dissonances, Cegos has sought to give its brands more strength by respecting the Group's fundamentals - its mission, its values, its history - but by revisiting its codes to embody the company as it is today.

What are the fundamentals of this new identity?

"Set the pace", the brand concept imagined by CBA Design, was the basis for the creative work that reflects the fundamentals of the Cegos brand:

  • Stability/reliability AND movement/support, perfectly illustrated by the logo and the "line" that runs through the whole territory
  • A steady rhythm that embodies the movement and pulsations of each individual in their developmental journey
  • the timelessness of a company that is almost a century old, with the choice of a warm black logo the human element at the heart of the Group's mission, embodied by a G as if drawn by hand in the centre of the logo, and an iconography bringing together portraits and groups
  • diversity, which is reflected in the typography, iconography and a wide range of extremely strong and rich colours.

The proprietary and recognizable sound territory imagined and produced by Dissonance also reflects the brand's fundamentals:

  • A steady rhythm that embodies the movement and pulsations of each individual in their developmental journey
  • A simple, timeless and universal melody to support the Group throughout the world
  • The combined voices of a man and a woman to embody the human element at the heart of Cegos' business.

This new brand identity is obviously used on all the Group's media and communication assets (websites, social networks, brochures, catalogues, paperwork and business cards, Powerpoint presentations, posters, wallpapers, kakemonos, web banners, etc.).

It will be deployed by all the Group's entities and brands as of February 2023.

"This new identity opens a new era, to say what drives us and what links us to our stakeholders, today and for the years to come. Working on a brand identity means embodying what makes the company unique. As such, we had to adopt a territory that combines stability, reliability but also movement, a capacity for permanent adaptation. We also had to translate the full force of the corporate culture of Cegos: the values of commitment, agility and sharing... and the passion of the teams, their desire to pass on and support each and every company in its development.

Our dynamic external growth strategy has also led us to adopt a brand architecture that brings together all the Group's entities around a common territory. This architecture now represents who we are: an international and integrated Group, capable of supporting companies in all their skills-related challenges.”

Alexandra Cavanna

Corporate Communications Director, Cegos Group

"The challenge for the CBA teams was to identify a concept that would encapsulate what Cegos is, what it does, and what it plans for the future. "Set the pace" was an obvious choice for us, as it has a dual purpose: it addresses Cegos' main strengths, namely that it is a reliable and evolving international company, capable of helping its clients keep pace with the challenges of the world of work so that each of them can participate in the world in their own way, while at the same time adapting its pace to the rhythm of its stakeholders. And that of inspiring all the creative teams, who were able to orchestrate the visuals, words and sounds to give it life.”

Léa Vantours,

Senior Brand Strategist, CBA Design

"One two three four... leader in its sector, Cegos sets the pace! We were delighted to work with the Cegos communications team to create the Cegos sound : an authentic, positive sound identity that makes you want to move forward, to get moving, to evolve, to learn. We composed a fluid melody in legato, with positive harmonies and a lively tempo.

We worked on agility and movement to express the experience offered to everyone and Cegos' ability to constantly reinvent itself: the track is built up with a successive entry of instruments and then constantly evolves. We also expressed the human dimension, which is at the heart of the group's activities, with in-depth work on voices.”

François Castello

Composer and Creative Director, Dissonances

The Cegos Group, CBA Design and Dissonances have worked hand in hand to unveil an identity that perfectly illustrates the Cegos experience: the idea of progression, of turning skills into performance.

All the Cegos Group brands around the world now have a common identity.

Ready to give it a try?

Press contact Cegos

Mathieu Cadot - mcadot@cegos.fr | +33 6 08 13 30 81

Press contact CBA Design

Jeanne Lladeres - jeanne.lladeres@cba-design.com | +33 7 86 22 43 16

About the Cegos Group - www.cegos.com

Created in 1926, the Cegos Group is a worldwide leader in learning and development. The Group now runs its own operations in 12 European, Asian and Latin American countries. It is also active in over 50 countries through its network of partners and distributors, all of whom are leading training providers and top-tier technology experts. With 1,400 employees and more than 3,000 partner consultants, the Group trains 250,000 people around the globe every year and generates sales of €200 million.

Cegos deploys a global offering, including turnkey and tailored training and development, operational consultancy, Managed Training Services and international training projects. Its "blended learning" approach aims to provide the most suitable and competitive learner experience, by combining multiple learning formats (classroom training, e-learning modules, videoconferences, webcasts, e-training programmes and more).

About CBA Design – www.cba-design.com/

Founded in Paris in 1982 by Louis Collinet, its current President, and with 12 offices worldwide, CBA is an international design and branding agency. For 40 years, CBA has been designing brand identities and experiences by combining strategic and creative analysis, thanks to a human-centred approach.

CBA in a few words? Passion, agility, entrepreneurship, international scope, sustainability and the ability to reinvent ourselves. We support progress by working on the essence of brands, and impact business by giving it meaning and utility through design.

About Dissonances - www.dissonances.fr

The first sound design agency to receive the Grand Prix at the TOP/COM Grands Prix du Design 2022, Dissonances assists all brands - corporate, products and retail - in the strategy, creation, deployment and monitoring of their sound identity.

Together with our clients, we imagine and build unique sound territories for a distinctive and emotional brand universe. Our credo: in-depth strategic thinking for simple, relevant and innovative creative choices.