Transformation. According to research by the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) published in the HR Change Readiness Survey 2015, businesses undergo at least five major changes every three years. However, 60% of these projects are totally new to them, creating more uncertainty and complexity. As a result, businesses view just a third of these projects as a success.
Professionalization. Businesses today need to help their employees develop their professional skills on an ongoing basis. It is estimated that in the future, employees will change jobs every two years, on average. That will mean developing not only new technical but also interpersonal skills, which are essential for agile working both individually and in a team, in a context of rapid, ongoing change.
Innovation. In order to respond to these challenges, and at a time when learning methods are changing and there is a plethora of training options on offer, businesses need to adopt an agile approach to innovation and make the right choices when it comes to learning.
Designed jointly with the commissioner, these blended courses(combining classroom-based and distance learning) provide long-term training to embed professional practices and allow individuals to learn at their own pace;
These programmes focus on transposing what has been learned into the workplace: as a result, the courses should not only guarantee that participants have understood the content, but should deliver results in the workplace and contribute to performance;
These ATAWAD (any time, anywhere, any device) courses include the best digital technology has to offer and are accessible at any time, on any device, whenever there is a suitable opportunity for learning;
Finally, these courses arecustomizable, to meet the performance issues the business faces,and personalizable to allow every participant to learn according to their own preferences.