8 Hot Tips for eLearning success!

- First and foremost, eLearning must be learner-driven with the learning goals and the learner experience / engagement at the heart of all activities. Have an engagement plan and create learner champions to support the process.
- Research appropriate eLearning content – do you need ready-made solutions or tailor made? What purpose will this serve as part of your overall learning strategy? Key questions for your organisation.
- Supported by the right systems and processes to enable the learning experience to be no-hassle activity.
- Provided through the appropriate tools to maximise learning effectiveness (Tablets, laptop, desktop etc.) – what is your multi-device strategy and why do you need one?
- Delivered as standalone and within blended solutions for greater learner personalisation, impact and control.
- Technology enabled learning as a part of a broader learning strategy which includes multiple methods of delivery to ensure appropriate learning, mixing technology with the human touch. It’s the blend that will win in the end.
- eLearning enables Line Manager support ongoing. A great opportunity for Managers to engage with their staff, support the learning and help build the skills through coaching back in the workplace.
- It is also essential for eLearning’s longevity that it can be measured effectively. ROI measures for eLearning need to be agreed at the outset to ensure that the impact of the learning on the growth of the individual and the organisation, can be tracked and evaluated successfully.