Learning Bites – Motivation

Motivation is key to a drive for success – in ourselves, our colleagues, our organisation. Ideas about human desire provide a general picture which is a useful foundation on which to build effective influencing skills, — but each individual, situation and relationship is unique and managers need to understand their important role in motivating themselves and their diverse teams.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this learning bite are to help participants:

  • Agree what motivation is and how it impacts us, our colleagues and the organisation
  • Review some core motivation theories
  • Discuss what part ‘pay’ plays in our motivation
  • Understand motivation in a goal culture
  • Review the relevance of ‘The One Minute Manager’

We spend time defining what motivation is, participants’ experience of it and the factors that incentivise them. We review and discuss the central concepts of motivation: Adair’s Action Centred Leadership; McGregor’s X&Y Theory; Maslow’s Hierarchy; Herzberg’s Hygiene Factors. Participants are asked to consider the relevance of the different theories and tools, and their practical application to their own accountability for encouraging themselves and others.

Additional eLearning

Available e-Learning modules to create a blended learning programme for delegates:

Learning Bites


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