3 pillars of interpersonal excellence

Topic: Applied Personal Development

Some professionals stand out because of their ability to express their opinions clearly and persuasively; be convincing, and could appeal to the right people both within and outside the organization.
These people have interpersonal excellence.
They embody the three fundamental pillars of interpersonal effectiveness:

  • having a networking strategy
  • putting their personal qualities to good use
  • using effective methods and tools

By the end of this module, you will be able to build successful working relationships by using the three pillars of interpersonal excellence. You will have developed a networking strategy for your relationships, and will be able to put your personal qualities to good use and apply effective relationship-building methods.

Learning objectives:

  • Defining the three pillars of interpersonal excellence.
  • Understanding the importance of having a networking strategy.
  • Understanding the benefits of using your personal qualities.
  • Using tools to develop effective relationships.

Watch the preview video here:

Learning benefits:

The explanations and practical exercises will give you a deeper insight into the methods.

The sample situations will give you a better understanding of how they are applied in practice.

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